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Too - enough

Exersice 1. Complete sentences with too / enough and an adjective in brackets.

Example: A: Would you like to come to the disco?
B: Oh no. I`m too tired to go to a disco. (tired)

1. A: Can you reach that top shelf? B:No, I am not ______ to reach it. (tall)
2. A: Did they go on a picnic yesterday? B: No, it was ______ to go on a picnic. (cold)
3. A:Did Jane enjoy the horror film?  B: No, she was ______ to enjoy it. (scared)
4. A:Does Tom go to school? B:No, he isn`t ______ to go to school yet. (old)
5. A:Will you go to London by bus? B:No. The bus is ______ I`ll take the train. (slow)
6. A: Did she like the dress you bought? B:Yes, but it was ______ (big)
7. A: Take a photo of me! B: I can`t. It isn’t ______ in here. (bright)

Exersice 2. Rewrite sentences using too.

Example: This music is so slow that I can`t dance to it.-This music is too slow for me to dance to.

1.The bird is so weak that it can`t fly.

2. She is so busy that she can`t come out with us.

3. The car is so expensive that he couldn`t buy it.

4. These shoes are so small that they don’t fit me.

5. The book is so boring that she can`t read it.

6. I was so tired that I couldn`t keep my eyes open.

7. The coffee was so strong that he couldn`t drink it.

Exersice 3. Choose the correct item.

1. This shirt is ___ to fit Jim. He needs a bigger size.
A. Too small    
B. Small enough

2. She isn’t ___ to enter the university.        
A. Too smart    
B. Smart enough

3. This box is ___ to carry by myself.        
A. Heavy enough    
B. Too heavy

4. Lena is ___ to become a popular actress.        
A. Talented enough    
B. Too talented

5. He is not ___ to take this post.        
A. Qualified enough    
B. Too qualified

6. The sea was ___ to swim in.        
A. Cold enough    
B. Too cold

7. Nick doesn’t have ___ to buy a new flat.        
A. Enough money    
B. Too money

8. Mary is ___ to help her parents.        
A. Lazy enough    
B. Too lazy

9. The problem is ___ to solve on your own. Let’s ask for help.        
A. Not complicated enough    
B    Too complicated

10. Nick wasn’t ___ to admit his guilt.        
A. Too brave    
B. Brave enough

11. The mountain was ___ to climb. I got scared.        
A. Too high    
B. Not high enough

12. My dog is ___ to give a paw.        
A. Too clever    
B. Clever enough

13. There isn’t ___ in the room to place wall units.        
A. Enough space    
B. Too space

14. Jim is ___ to get a passport.        
A. Too young    
B. Young enough

15. The house isn’t ___ to invite guests.        
A. Too clean    
B. Clean enough


Phrasal verb put.

Exersice 1. Write the correct preposition.

1. The plane couldn't take ________ because of the snow.
2. He took _____ swimming when his doctor told him he needed to take more exercise.
3. The company took ______ several new employees to cope with the extra demand.
4. I took my hat ________ when I entered the building.
5. These old clothes take ________too much space in the wardrobe, I'm going to put them somewhere else.
6. "It's raining terribly," Douglas said taking ______ his raincoat.
7. At big airports planes take ______ every five minutes.
8. In Japanese restaurants you must take _______ your shoes.
9. When Hans was a student, he took girls ________ for a meal every night.
10. Rita's brother speaks fantastic English; last week he took ______ Italian - he wants to go to Italy on holiday.
11. Having succeeded in attracting lots of investors, we took ________ lots of new employees.  
12. We should get rid of all these old books. They take ______ so much space!

Exersice 2. Insert words.

1. I can't put ________ his behavior anymore.
2. She put ________ the meeting until next Thursday.
3. The firefighters put ________ the fire.
4. Stop putting everyone ________!
5. The game was put ________ until next month.
6. We have to  put ________ the date of the meeting, as some people can't come.
7. The government is going to put ________ the tax on petrol.
8. Peter put ________ the newspaper and went to answer the phone.


Reported Speech

Exersice 1. Turn the following sentences into indirect speech. 

1. Fred said: “I have invented a new computer program”.
2. They told me: “We were really happy.”
3. She said: “I live in a big apartment.”
4. He told her: “I am going to the fish market.”
5. Betty said: “I found my passport.”

Exersice 2. Change the questions to indirect speech.

1. Maria wanted to know: “Where has Jim gone? »
2. They asked: “What did the workers eat? »
3. I wandered «Have you ever been to China, Sam? »
4. I asked: «When will the next train arrive?»
5. “Do you grow flowers in your garden, Mrs. Smith?»

Exersice 3. Change the indirect speech to direct.

1. I asked him why he was tired.
2. We wanted to know if Kate had broken the car.
3. He asked if they could meet on Tuesday.
4. I wondered how often she used the car.
5. Mother wanted to know if we would invite Kevin to the party.

Exersice 4. Report the questions.

Example: Are you glad to be back? — He asked me if I was glad to be back.

1. How are you?
2. How long have you been away?
3. Are you going away again?
4. What will you do in future?
5. Why did you come back?
6. What are you doing now?
7. Have you made new friends?
8. Where are you living now?

Exersice 5. Imagine that your mother gave you some instructions. Report them to your partner. Use the sentences below.

Example: Feed the cat. She told me to feed the cat.

1. Come home straight after school.
2. Warm up your dinner.
3. Wash up the dishes after the dinner.
4. Buy bread, milk and sugar.
5. Start doing your homework before I come.
6. Take the dog for a walk.
7. Clean your room.
8. Wait for me at home.

Phrasal verb set.

Exersice 1. Fill in the gaps with aside, in, off, back

1. They had to set _____ a rocket.
 – Им пришлось запустить ракету.

2. Terrorists set _____ a bomb in the plane. 
– Террористы взорвали бомбу в самолете.

3. Tomorrow we’ll have to set _____ the clock. Don’t forget about it. 
– Завтра нам нужно будет перевести часы на час назад. Не забудь об этом.

4. Is there a building set _____ from the road? 
– Здесь есть здание, стоящее в стороне от  дороги?

5. Why did they set all our offers _____?  
– Почему они отклонили все наши предложения?

6. The prisoner hopes that the Supreme Court will set _____ his sentence. 
– Заключенный надеется, что Верховный суд отменит его приговор.

7. Autumn is setting _____. 
– Наступает осень.

8. Disappointment seems to have set _____ among the team. 
– Кажется, командой овладело разочарование.

Exersice 2. Fill in: in, off, aside, back.

1. You should set _____ some money to go abroad .
2. We set _____  early in the morning to catch the train.
3. Weather has set _____ already, so went camping.
4. The opening of the new shopping center has been set  _____  a few days.