[Сайт учителя английского языка Симоновой Н.Е. ]

Same/ any.

Упражнение 1. Укажите Some или Any?

1. They need ____ bananas.
2. We can’t buy ____ posters in this shop.
3. We haven’t got ____ oranges at the moment.
4. Tom has bought ____ new books.
5. He always takes ____ sugar with her coffee.
6. I have seen ____ nice postcards in this souvenir shop.
7. There aren’t ____ folders in my bag.
8. I have ____ magazines for you.
9. There are ____ apples on the table.
10. Kate does not have ____ pencils on her desk

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения с использованием some / any

1. У вас есть помидоры?
2. На полу лежат учебники.
3. Тебе дали кетчуп? Нет, у них нет вообще кетчупа.
4. Вы должны есть свежие фрукты.
5. Нам пришлось подождать несколько минут.
6. Остался ли у нас хлеб?
7. Они не пели никаких песен.
8. Вот кукурузные хлопья, но молока нет.
9. Я ищу хорошую музыку.
10. В холодильнике нет масла. Пойдем купим немного.

Упражнение 3. Поставьте правильно some/any

1. Would you like ____ time to think about it?
2. She has ____ friends in Moscow.
3. I got ____ nice presents for Christmas this year.
4. Is there ____ bread in the house?
5. Look! There are ____ large black birds on the roof of the church.
6. Is there ____ time to go shopping?
7. ____ people in my school like Jazz.

8. Would you like ______ milk?
9. There aren’t ______ people at the party.
10. I’m sure I’ll return to Japan ______ day.

Many/ much

Exercise 1. Insert much or many.

1. Do you drink ________coffee?
2. I like reading. I read _________.
3. We have _______ lessons of English this year.
4. I like this new teacher very _______
5. I can't remember _______ from this text.
6. Do you learn _______ new English words every day?
7. We haven't got ________ bread.
8. There isn't________ salad in the fridge.
9. She hasn't got ________ cassettes.
10. I can't spend ________ money on toys.

Exercise 2. Choose the appropriate answer. Much or many?

1. They have too (many/much) furniture in the room.
2. There are too (many/much) books on your desk.
3. You have too (many/much) mistakes in the test.
4. You must drink (many/much) coffee.
5. You put too (many/much) vegetables in the soup.
6. You put too (many/much) fruit in the salad.
7. Must we learn (many /much) words for today?
8. We have got (many /much) sandwiches.

Exercise 3. Insert much or many.

1. They don't have ________ words to learn.
2. There isn't ________ furniture in the room.
3. There aren't ________ things in the wardrobe.
4. There isn't ________ snow in the forest
5. I don't take ________ money to school.
6. Do you need ________ money?
7. There are ________ new houses in the street.
8. There are not ________ shops in our street.
9. ________ people come to Moscow in summer.

Exercise 4. Insert much or many.

1. You can see ________ cars near the airport
2. You mustn't eat so ________ bananas
3. You mustn't drink so
4. He hasn't met ________ people there.
5. He didn't ask ________
6. He bought _______ furniture for his new flat.
7. This work won't take ______ time.
8. Have we got _______ apples for the children?
9. I don't like _______ salt in the salad
10. My little sister speaks _________ that's why we call her «a chatter box».

Exercise 5. Find and correct mistakes if any.

1. We didn't take many food with us.
2. There aren't much new subjects this year.
3. I haven't much free time today.
4. He doesn't do much written exercises every day.
5. We don't drink many coffee in our family.
6. There isn't much furniture in my room
7. There wasn't many happiness in his face.
8. Not many new ideas were discussed.
9. We shan't have much lessons tomorrow.
10. I won't have much mistakes in this exercise.

Exercise 6.  Fill in many or much.

1. Is there ________ tea in the cup? No, not ________
2. Are there ________eggs in the fridge? Yes, there are ________ eggs.
3. Is there ________ milk in the bottle? Yes, there is ________ milk.
4. Are there ________ lemons in the box? No, not ________
5. There are _________ apples on the table.
6. There _________ many sandwiches in the fridge.
7. Is there ______ coffee in the cup?
8. There is ______ jam on the plate.
9. There are ______ bananas in the bag.
10. Is there _______ bread on the table?
11. There is _______ salad on the plate.
12. Are there _______ cups on the shelf?
13. There are _______sandwiches in the bag.


Past Simple.

Exercise 1. Write the three forms of the verbs.

1. to bе ______________________________________
2. to go ______________________________________
3. to spend ___________________________________
4. to come ____________________________________
5. to run _____________________________________
6. to see _____________________________________
7. to build ___________________________________
8. to buy ____________________________________
9. to bring ___________________________________
10. to burn __________________________________

11. to give ___________________________________
12. to take ___________________________________

Exercise 2. Write the missing forms of the verbs.

to make    
to come    
to buy    
to get    

Exercise 3. Ask questions to the words in bold.

1. Peter got up at 7 o'clock yesterday.
2. Не wanted to become an artist.
3. They swam too long yesterday.
4. Farmers used rafts to cross the river.
5. We went bowling last Saturday.
6. The French burnt Moscow in 1812.
7. There was а great marketplace in the centre 10 years ago.
8. The scientists discovered the city in the 20th century.
9. In the 1960s, teenagers listened to "The Beatles".
10. In 1969, Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon.

Exercise 4. Rewrite the sentences in past simple, using the information in brackets.

1. We play. (last year)
2. Не goes to school. (2 years ago)
3. Jim has а good time. (yesterday)
4. Pam makes nice dresses. (last week)
5. Jack helps his father in the garage. (an hour ago)
6. Our family lives in Wales. (in 2000) 
7. The Vikings соте to England. (many centuries ago)
8. People wear jeans. (last century)
9. They like dancing. (а year ago)
10. The city looks nice and green. (in 1990)

Exercise 5. Write your own 10 sentences in past simple using the following verbs 

go, wear, make, buу, cut, put, burn, get, bе, swim




Must/ mustn't.

Упражнение 1. Составьте предложения с mustn’t.

1. In the street                        a) ... you mustn't feed animals
2. In the park b) ... you mustn't play football.
3. At the zoo c) ... you mustn't break trees.
4. In the library  d) ... you mustn't be very noisy.

Упражнение 2. Write in must or mustn't.

1. Stop watching TV. You_______ do your homework.
2. I_______brush my teeth.
3. Your shoes are dirty. You _______clean them.
4. You _______drop litter in the streets.
5. I _______tidy my room.
6. You _______play on the road.

Упражнение 3. Write what you must or mustn't do when you travel.

1. You _________ drink dirty water.
2. You_________ be careful when you travel.
3. You _________ always wash fruit and vegetables.
4. You_________ play on the road.
5. You_________ throw litter.
6. You_________ listen to your parents.

Упражнение 4. Complete the dialogue with must/mustn’t.

Tom: Mum, I don't want to go to school.
Mother: But you (1) _______ Tom: The pupils don't love me.
Mother: Well, you (2) _______ shout at them. You (3) _______ be polite and friendly.
Tom: They (4) _______ use their mobiles but they do. They (5) _______be late for school but they are.
Mother: You (6) _______  be so angry. Try speaking to them.
Tom: That won't help. I think I have a running nose ... Mother: Oh, no, come on, Tom. Shame on you! You are OK. You (7) _______  go to school. You're a teacher.

Упражнение 5. Составьте 6 предложений.

     touch with matches.
    do your vegetables.
    eat your homework.
    wake to sleep.
  must play my camera.
You mustn't gо  the baby.

 Future Simple.

Упражнение 1. Write in l’ll, we'll, he'll, she'll, they'll, it’ll.

1. I'd like to see animals. I think _______ go to the zoo today.
2. Wendy likes dinosaurs. I think _______ go to the Natural History Museum.
3. We like dancing. I think _______ go to the disco.
4. My parents want to buy presents. I think_______ go to the gift shop. '
5. Jim likes walking. I think_______ go to the park.
6. Put on your scarf and hat. I think _______ be cold today.
7. I want to watch a cartoon. I think _______ go to the cinema tomorrow.
8. Mike is ill. I don't think _______ go for a walk with him.

Упражнение. 2  Постройте предложения о том, чем будут заниматься члены Вашей семьи в воскресенье. 

I   go to the park
My Mummy   walk out a dog
My Dad will read a book
My Granny   play games
My sister   listen to music
My brother   cook dinner

Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форме Future Simple.

1. I think we_________ two return tickets. (to buy)
2. Kate  ___________ ten tomorrow. (to be)
3. My aunt  ___________ to Canada next summer. (to go)
4. I  _____________ you in the evening. (to phone)
5. I'm sure our 3-day tour __________ more than 5000 roubles. (to cost)

Упражнение 4. Вставьте ‘ll или won’t.

1. Lucy was born in 1995. In 2007 she ________ be 12.
2. It's sunny today. It ________ rain.
3. Kelly is eleven today. She ___________ be twelve until next year.
4. Rob is nine. He __________ be ten on his next birthday.
5. This month is May. It________ be June next month.
6. Jenny: 'Mum, the bus is late. I _______ be home until eight o'clock.
7. It's 25 degrees today. It _________ snow tomorrow.
8. I sent the letter this afternoon. It __________ arrive until tomorrow.