[Сайт учителя английского языка Симоновой Н.Е. ]

Притяжательные местоимения

Упражнение 1. Замените личное местоимение в скобках в общем падеже соответствующей формой притяжательного местоимения.

1. This is (he) case. 
2. (We) table is there. 
3. That is (they) house. 
4. This isn’t (I) book. It is (she) book. 
5. Where is (you) blue ballon? 
6. Ann is (I) sister. 
7. Open (you) textbooks and put down these words, please. 
8. (They) parents are at the theatre.

Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски соответствующими притяжательными местоимениями и переведите предложения.

1. Where is Nick? – He is in ____ study now.
2. She is ____ aunt.
3. They are my friends. ____names are Stacy and Nancy.
4. Sally is a teacher but ____ brother is a physicist.
5. What is ____ name? – His name is Rudolf.
6. This is a pony. ____tail isn’t  long.

Упражнение 3. Выберите из подчёркнутых слов правильные притяжательные местоимения.

1. Is this yours / your sister?
2. It's theirs / their task, not our/ours.
3. It's a good idea of your / yours to go out tonight.
4. Are these her / hers gloves?
5. We're going dancing with some friends of our/ours.
6. Is it yours / your article about elephants? - No, it's not my / mine.
7. We know their / theirs phone number but they don't know our / ours.
8. That's not my / mine purse. Mine / my is black.
9. His house is bigger than her / hers but her / hers is more comfortable.
10. My / mine family live in Murmansk region, and your / yours?

Present Simple

Exercise 1. Use present simple to complete the text.

Masha 1) ___ (work) in а big company. There 2) ___ (bе) more than 200 people in the company. They all 3) ___ (like) to work there. Masha's boss 4) ___ (bе) very strict. Не 5) ___ (give) her а lot of work and 6) ___ (not let) her go home early. But Masha 7) ___ (like) her work. She 8) ___ (have) friends in the company. They often 9) ___ (have) lunch together. Mash 10) ___ (not want) to leave the company.

Exercise 2.  Make the sentences negative.

1. Му uncle Jives in Omsk.
2. Jack's grandmother cooks well.
3. Michael has а new friend.
4. Jenny writes books for children.
5. Sveta's sister lives in Krasnodar.
6. His parents travel in Russia.
7. Argentina has а lot of cities.
8. Cats usually live in the forest.
9. Му little sister goes shopping every day.
10. The party starts at 9:00.

Exercise 3. Ask general questions. 

1. Му uncle lives in Omsk.
2. Jack's grandmother cooks well.
3. Michael has а new friend.
4. Jenny writes books for children.
5. I always do my homework.
6. Ilya doesn't play tennis every day.
7. Му brother plays football оп Sundays.
8. She talks оп the phone every hour. 
9. Amanda doesn't like Maths.
10. We write tests every week.

Exercise 4. Change the sentences as in the example

Example: I go to the gym every Monday. - Не goes to the gym every Monday.

1. We play basketball every week.

2. They brush their teeth every morning.


3. Му parents watch 1V in the evening.

Му father_______________________________________

4. Children like stories.

The child_______________________________________

5. Wolves hunt in the forest.


6. Sportspeople train every day.

А sportsperson___________________________________

7. Dogs sometimes cry at night.

My dog_________________________________________

8. We go to an art museum every month.

Му mother______________________________________

9. These women like to try new clothes оn.

This woman_____________________________________

10. These smartphones work really well.

This smartphone_________________________________

Exercise 5. Use present-simple to complete the email.

Hi, Misha, 
l'm Sam, your new реп friend. l'm 13 years old and 11) ___ (live) in Wales. There 2) ___ (bе) 4 people in my family: my mum and my dad, my sister and me. 13) ___ (not/have) any brothers. l've got а dog, too. 4) ___ (you/have) any pets?

Every morning, we 5) ___ (get up) at 7 am. We 6) ___ (have) breakfast together and then my sister and I 7) ___ (go) to school оп foot. ln the afternoons, I 8) ___ (not/go) home right after school. 1 usually 9) ___ (stay) in the computer lab and do my homework.

Then, 1 10) ___ (hang out) with my friends at the skating rink. Му sister 11) ___ (not/like) it. She usually 12) ___ (go) home'to study.

At the weekend, we usually 13) ___ (help) our parents about the house. 14) ___ (you/do) any chores at home?

Write soon,

Present Continious

Exercise 1. Write the -ing forms of the verbs.

1. write;
2. run;
3. put;
4. make;
5. sing;
6. let;
7. bе;
8. listen; 
9. do.

Exercise 2. Make these sentences negative and ask general questions. Use full forms.

Example: The dog is eating now. - The dog is not eating now. ls the dog eatiпg now?

1. Alisa and Dima are cooking dinner now.
2. She is swimming in the river at the moment.
3. I am taking а shower now.
4. Lisa is dancing with Michael right now.
5. The gardener is cutting the grass.
6. Petya is writing an email now.
7. The children are riding their bikes at the moment.
8. Му brother is taking pictures now.
9. 1 am saving money for а new laptop these days.
10. The girl is running home now.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions as in the example.

Example: Аrе you doing your homework? -Yes, I аm.
ls the cat eating? - No, it isn't. 

1. Аrе they going bу саr now? -

2. Is Jack walking? -

3. Is the dog eating fast food now? -

4. Аrе the children playing computer games? - 

5. Is Zhanna reading а book now? -

6. Is Tim playing the guitar? -

7. Аrе you watching а film at the moment? -

8. Is it raining now? -

Exercise 4. Use present continuous to complete the sentences.

1. ___ (to write) the letter to my Granny now.
2. The author ___ (to work) оп his new book at the moment.
3. We ___ (to read) а book now.
4. Our parents ___ (to watch) ТУ now.
5. Tom ___ (to play) football now.
6. I ___ (to have) dinner now.
7. Му dog ___ (to sleep) right now.
8. Our Dad ___ (to fish) now.
9. She ___ (to make) а call now.
10. The cat ___ (to jump) with my sister now.

Exercise 5. Use present continuous to complete the sentences.

1. ___ they ___ (listen) to music now?
2. Не ___ (not shout) her name.
3. ___ Natasha ___ (ask) for money?
4. The cat ___ (not lie) оп the sofa.
5. I ___ (not sit) in the armchair. 
6. ___ Phil ___ (do) the shopping?
7. The boys ___ (not dive) into the swimming pool.
8. The cat ___ (catch) the mouse. 
9. ___ you ___ (write) emails now?
10) We ___ (take) nice photos.

Exercise 6. Express these sentences in English using present continuous.

1. Пола сейчас обедает.
2. Дима и Света гуляют в парке.
3. Брат Максима едет на машине в Европу.
4. Ученики читают текст.
5. Смотри! Люси идёт по улице.
6. Родители Алексея смотрят фильм.
7. Брат Сары читает журнал для путешественников.
8. О чём они разговаривают?
9. Сын Марины играет в футбол.
10. Надежда путешествует в Германии.

Исчисляемые/ Неисчисляемые существительные. 

Exercise 1. Classify the nouns from the 11st into two columns. 

Snow, tomato, sugar, carpet, rain, pool, parent, text, guitar,

meat, lemon, lemonade, bread, milk, pasta, book.


Countaидe nouns  Uncountable nouns

Exercise 2. Circle the correct word.

1. The water / waters in the cup is hot. 

2. We must get some potatoes / potato and bread / breads

3. Саn you buy some milk / milks

4. She has six packets of sugar / sugars

5. There are lots of pool / pools after the rain. 

6. Snow / Snows covers all the territory in winter. 

7. I need two cans of meat / meats and some herb / herbs

8. When I get а sore throat, my mum gives me tea / teas with lemon. 

9. Have you ever eaten original ltalian pasta / pastas

10. She cooks fish / fishes very well.

Exercise 3. Fill in а or some/any.

1. I саn see ___ cup of tea оп the tаblе. 

2. There is ___ pasta in the cupboard. We сап cook it for dinner. 

3. She doesn't eat ___ bread, she keeps to а diet.

4. Ask the shop assistant to show you ___ bох of chocolates.

5. Му friends usually have ___ porridge for breakfast. 

6. ___ bottle of milk will bе enough for making а cake. 

7. Is there ___ flour left? 

8. There's nothing better fo'r you than ____ carrot. 

9. ___ cup of instant soup is ready. 

10. Саn I have ___ water, please?