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Exercise 1. Read the text and mark the statements True (Т), False (F), Not Stated (NS).

Etiquette is protocol, rules of behaviour that you memorise. Manners demonstrate socially ассерtаblе behaviour, of course, but also much more than that. They аrе an expression of how you treat others when you саге about them, their self-esteem (самоуважение), and their feelings. Early North American etiquette books claimed that the manners and cus­toms of the "Best Society" could bе imitated bу all .. But some authors stated that the lower classes, meaning those "whose experience in life has been а hardening process, ". in fact, treated the rules of etiquette with "contempt and ... а sneer." Modern etiquette books do not use the con­cept of "best society", but rather define etiquette as а set of guidelines that "help steer our behaviour as we move through our daily routines" and that сап help deal with "the pressures of modern life which make it all the more difficult to stay civil." This change is reflected in the content of eti­quette books; etiquette books published in the early 20th century had de­tailed advice оп the treatment of servants, the formal dinner parties, and the behavior of а debutante; тоге modern books are likely to emphasise the importance of respecting people of all classes, races, and ethnic backgrounds. Etiquette writers аrе sure that etiquette rules serve to make life more pleasant.

1. The knowledge of etiquette rules helps to get to the uрреr society.
2. Etiquette dictates certain rules of behaviour in а number of situations.
3. Etiquette exists only for the upper society.
4. Old American etiquette books were only for the rich.
5. The working people don't need· to study etiquette rules.
6. Modern etiquette books give advice to everybody how to act correctly and politely in certain situations.
7. А special section of аnу etiquette book gives advice how to behave towards servants.
8. Etiquette books are important to study.

Exercise 2. Read the text and mark the statements True (Т), False (F), Not Stated (NS).

Social Etiquette in the UK 

There are по strict etiquette rules that you have to stick to when in the UK. lt is advisable, however, to demonstrate decent manners and respect to the local culture and traditions. The first, and most important step is to bе aware of the clearly distinct nations which form the UК. The United King­dom of Great Britain and Northern lreland consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern lreland. The citizens of аnу of these countries may bе referred to as "British". When certain of heritage, you are free to call the different residents as follows: English, Scot, Welsh or lrish. 

When first meeting а Brit, he or she may seem reserved and cold, but that is just аn impression. ln reality, they are very friendly and helpful to for­eigners. 

А handshake is the most common form of greeting, but try to avoid pro­longed еуе contact, as it may make people feel ill at ease. British people are not very keen оп displaying affection in public. Hugging, kissing and touching are usually reserved for family members and very close friends. You should also avoid talking loudly in puЫic or going to extremes with hand gestures during the course of communication. Do not stand too close to another person or put your arm around someone's shoulder. 
The British often use expressions such as "drop in anytime" and "соте see те soon". However, do not take these literally. То bе оп the safe side, always telephone before visiting someone at home. lf you receive а writ­ten invitation to an event that says "RSVP", you should respond to the sender as soon as possible, whether you are going to attend or not.

British people are very strict when it comes to punctuality. ln Britain peo­ple make а great effort to arrive оп time, so it is considered impolite to bе late, even bу few minutes. lf you are delayed, bе sure to inform the person you are meeting.

1. Before going to the UK you should learn the customs and traditions of the four countries it consists of. 
2. Any citizen of the UK сап bе called а 'Brit'.
3. Great Britain includes England, Wales, Scotland and Northern lreland. 
4. Hugging is а typical way to greet foreigners in the UK.
5. It is а false impression that the British are unfriendly to newcomers.
6. For successful communication in the UK you should learn а special body language.
7. The British like some personal space during the course of communication.
8. When introduced to foreigners the British usually look at the new person for а long time.
9. After you are introduced to а British person you сап call оп him/her any time.
10. The British are very punctual people and expect others to bе the same.

Exercise 3. Read the text and choose the right option.

Hi, l'm Amy Chua, and thanks so much for visiting my website! Battle Hymn of the Тiger Mother is my family's story. 1 wrote this book in а mo­ment of crisis, when my younger daughter seemed to turn against every­thing I stood for and it felt like I was losing her and everything was falling apart. After one terrible fight, I sat down at my computer and the words just poured out. I showed every page to my daughters and my husband. lt was like family therapy. 

I was raised bу very strict, Chinese immigrant parents, who came to the US as graduate students with practically по money. As parents, they de­manded total respect and were very tough with my three younger sisters and me. We got in trouble for А minuses, had to drill Maths and piano every day, по sleepovers, по boyfriends. But the strategy worked with me. То this day, l'm very close to my parents, and I feel I owe them every­thing. ln fact, 1 believe that my parents' having high expectations for me, coupled with love, is the greatest gift аnуоnе has ever given me. That's why I tried to raise my own two daughters the same way my parents raised me.

With my first daughter, Sofia, things went smoothly. But my second daugh­ter, Lulu is а real fireball and at thirteen, she rebelled. This book is basically the story of my own transformation as а mother. While I definitely have re­grets, if I had to raise my girls all over again, I guess I would basically do the same thing, with some adjustments. The book is about believing in your child more than anyone else - more than they believe in themselves - and helping them realise their potential, whatever it may bе. Му youngest sister, Cindy, has Down syndrome, and I remember my mother spending hours and hours with her, teaching her to tie her own shoelaces, drilling multiplication tables, practicing piano every day with her. Му mom wanted her to bе the best she could bе, within her limits. Today, Cindy works at Walmart, has а boyfriend, and still plays the piano - оnе of her favourite things is performing for her friends. She and my mom have а wonderful relationship, and we all love her for who she is.

I genuinely believe that there аrе many ways of being а good parent. We all want our kids to grow up happy, strong, and self-reliant. But different cul­tures have very different ideas about the best way to do that. And we should all bе аblе to learn from each other.

1. This is _______.

а). а website;

b). а fiction book;

с). а letter to the fans;

d). the author's review of her book.

2. Amy Chua wrote the book Battle Нуmn ofthe Тiger Mother _______ . 

а). in memory of her parents;

b). to prove she was really talented;

с). in attempt to resolve the conflict with her younger daughter;

d). to set аn example to her daughters.

3. When the author's family read the book _______ .

а). they were surprised;

b). they began to understand each other;

с). it was а real shock;

d). nothing changed.

4. Amy Chua's parents were _______ .

а). really severe;

b). very demanding;

с). too bossy;

d). quite indifferent.

5. Amy's parents punished their daughters for _______ as they wanted them to bе the best in class.

а). bad marks;

b). bad behaviour;

с). good marks;

d). coming late.

6. Amy _______ her parents' style of bringing up children.

а). hates;

b). criticises;

с). appreciates;

d). doubts.

7. Parents should bе demanding because theywant their children _______ . 

а). to оbеу them in everything;

b). to bе rich;

с). to realise their abilities;

d). to study better.

8. Amy's younger sister with Down syndrome achieved great success because of _______.

а). а special school;

b). her sisters' help;

с). her will power;

d). her parents' efforts.

Food and Shopping

Exercise 1. Read the texts. Match the titles to the descriptions of national food. One title is extra.


A. Beef bulgogi (fire meat) is а dish of thinly sliced meat marinated in а mixture of soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, onions, ginger, sugar, and wine and then grilled. lt is often eaten wrapped in lettuce or spinach leaves and accompanied bу kimchi (fermented vegetable pickle). Маnу Korean restaurants have miniature barbecues embedded in taЫes where diners grill the meat themselves. 

В. In this episode of cooking video series, Chef David Kamen demon­strates а recipe for Doro Wett (chicken stew). This classic dish, popular in both Ethiopian homes and restaurants, is full of the spices that give Ethiopian cooking its characteristic rich flavour. ln fact, spices are so important to Ethiopian cuisine and culture that а common insult in Ethiopia is 'Yа wen alecha, 'which means а person 'has по pepper'. 

С. Lumpia is Filipino spring rolls that аrе popular both in their native country and in Filipino communities around the world. Lumpia сап bе served as an appetiser, а snack, ог а light meal with rice alongside. There's even а movie called Lumpia, made bу а Filipino-American di­rector. The film captures the culture of California Filipino-American teens: an avenging hero armed with fried lumpia as his weapons fights off bullies. 

D.Nasi Goreng is а mixture of rice, chicken, shrimp, and seasonings. This dish demonstrates the complex heritage of the lndonesian islands, which have been colonized bу many different countries. Rice, the main ingredient, was introduced bу sailors from lndia. The technique of stir­frying came from the Chinese, who explored the islands in the fourth century. Chiles were brought bу the Portuguese and the accompani­ment of hard-boiled eggs is а legacy of Dutch traders from the colonial еrа.

Е. Nasi Iemak is а Malay word that literally means 'fatty rice'. The name comes from the cooking process whereby rice is soaked in coconut cream and then the mixture is steamed. Spices such as ginger and herbs like lemon grass may bе added for additional fragrance. Tradition­ally, this comes wrapped in banana leaf, with cucumber slices, small dried anchovies, roasted peanuts, hard boiled egg and hot spicy sauce.

Exercise 2. Read the text and choose the right option.

Online Shopping 

Ten years ago most people didn't even know what the lnternet was. Today, the lnternet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. The lnternet is а collection of various services and resources. The lnter­net's main components аrе e-mail and the World Wide Web. The lnternet helps us in different ways. We сап read lots of interesting things (ency­clopedias, poems or even books), we сап send letters оr even, what is very popular recently, we сап do shopping without leaving our houses. As internet shopping is so popular nowadays we need to bе aware of its advantages and disadvantages.

Many people fear internet shopping because of its disadvantages. They claim that the worst thing is that there is по guarantee of receiving the de­sired product. The seller сап simply mail а pig in а poke (кота в мешке) and then the money is lost. They аrе right because that kind of things hap­pen very often and we can't do anything about it. So people should buy only from а reliable source. Another thing is that we have to рау for the delivery and it сап bе а really big price when the parcel is heavy or comes from overseas. 

And what when the product is just not the thing we ordered? We have to send it back to the seller and рау for another post delivery. And what about our health? People don't go shopping, don't walk butjust sit in front of the screen. lt affects not only our body but our eyes too. The effect is simple: more people wear glasses and internet shops sell more clothes in XXL size. Another disadvantage is that there is less employment for shop assistants, security men, etc. Мауbе it isn't very visible now but it will bе in the future. Still in spite of the disadvantages internet shopping becomes more and more popular, people are interested in buying bу means of virtual shops. People сап find the desired product much faster than in the shops. An­other fine thing about internet shopping is that there is аn enormous choice. Furthermore the products in the lnternet are cheaper than in the shops. But going shopping with your family or friends is much more fun than sitting in front of the screen.

1. The lnternet is vitally important nowadays because it _______. 

а). entertains people;

b). is аn interesting way of communication;

с). is а good source of information;

d). has а great collection of films.

2. Online shopping is _______ nowadays.

а). а rаrе thing;

b). only for technicians;

с). disadvantageous;

d). attractive to more and more people.

3. The main disadvantage is that _______.

а). you never know what you really buy;

b). the things are more expensive;

с). you never get the thing;

d). you рау twice the price.

4. Internet shopping doesn't guarantee _______.

а). reliable source;

b). delivery;

с). low prices;

d). satisfaction.

5. Online shopping is harmful for our _______.

а). purse;

b). muscles;

с). brain;

d). imagination.

6. Online shopping takes away _______.

а). our mind;

b). jobs;

с). creativity;

d). money.

7. Shopping via the lnternet is popular as it _______. 

а). saves time;

b). is great fun; 

с). looks like game; 

d). improves computer skills.

8. The author recommends to go shopping with а company because it _______.

а). saves time; 

b). saves money;

с). is more еnjоуаblе; 

d). is safe.

Be Yourself

Exercise 1. Read the text. Match the titles to the tips. Оnе title is extra. Nine Tips to Building Self-Esteem.


In order to build your self-esteem, you must establish yourself as the master of your own life. Every single minute of your life is а moment you can change for the better. Start with the smallest or the most im­portant task. The following are tips to help build higher self-esteem.

А. Start with something you can do immediately and easily. When we start with small successes, we build momentum (импульс, толчок) to get more confidence in our abllities. What are some small actions you can take immediately to demonstrate that you can achieve goals you've set for yourself? For example, clean your desk, organise your papers, or wash the dishes as you promised your Mum. Become your own personal cheerleader. Don't bе afraid to celebrate even your smallest successes. 

В. Use the power of your imagination. Create an image of yourself as the confident and self-assured person you want to become. When you are this person, how will you feel? How will others perceive you? What will your body language look like? How will you talk? See these clearly in your mind's еуе, with your eyes closed. Practise doing this for 10 minutes every morning. After that write а description of this person and all the attributes you've observed. 

С. Get out of the house or set up а hangover with а friend. Socialising with others will give us opportunities to connect with other people, and practise our communication and interpersonal skills. Try to find oppor­tunities to demonstrate your skills and abilities. Try to spend more time with those you hold near and dear. At the same time, try to enlarge your social circle bу making an effort to meet people. 

D. Ask yourself what you fear, and search within yourself for ways you сап соре with these worries and fears. As with all skills, we get bet­ter with practice and repetition. The тоге often we actively do things that scare us, the less sсагу these situations will seem, and eventu­ally we will get rid of that fear. What аrе you especially good at оr enjoy doing? Regularly doing things that you аrе good at strength­ens your belief in your abllities. Make а list of things you enjoy doing. Do at least оnе thing that you enjoy every day, and remind yourself that you deserve it. Give yourself permission to feel proud of your talents. 

Е. Beginning the inner dialogue about who you аrе and what you have to offer the world is аn important process in building self-esteem. Ac­cording to some research, 80% of people say they don't have goals. And the people who regularly write down their goals еаrn nine times тоге over their lifetime as people who don't. Ву setting clear goals, you have а clear target of where you want to bе. When you take action towards that goal, you'II build тоге confidence and self-esteem in your abllities to follow through.

Exercise 2. а) Read the text and mark the statements True (Т), False (F), Not Stated (NS).

The Debate

Their parents had promised the twins а pet for their twelfth Ьirthday. The only limitation was that it had to bе а pet. Singular. That meant the twins had to agree оп what kind of pet to get. 

Making а Decision 

Forweeks, Louisa and Duncan researched pets оп their own. They spent hours looking at pet photos online and talking to their friends about the types of pets they owned. Duncan's best friend suggested а dog, but his cousin suggested аn iguana. Louisa's friends told her to get а parrot. The same cousin told her to get ап iguana too. 

Finally, each had made а decision. Duncan wanted аn iguana, and Louisa decided оп а cat. They both went to their parents with the decision. But their father reminded them of the agreement. They did not have to con­vince their parents but each other. 

Convincing the Other 

The night before they were to go to the pet store the debate began. Dun­can opened Ьу stating how iguanas were easy to саге for. Remembering Louisa's obsession with dinosaurs the summer before, Duncan sug­gested that iguanas were basically just smaller dinosaurs. Louisa said that iguanas were not fun pets because they did not do anything. А cat, she argued, could bе held and would playwith them. 

"Of course you would want а cat. AII girls want а cat," Duncan replied. 

"That is unfair. None of my girl friends even has cats. They all told me to get а parrot or а dog." 

"Well, all the girls I know at school love cats." 

The Compromise 

The debate went on for hours with little progress. Each siЫing realised the other wo·uld not Ье convinced. So Louisa offered а compromise. 

"What was your second choice pet?" she asked. 

"I guess а dog," Duncan said. 

"Mine too." 

And so they decided to get their second choices. The next day, their birthday, their father bought а collie puppy for them.  

1. Mum and Dad were going to give а pet to each of their twin-children as birthday presents.
2. It had always been Louisa and Duncan's dream to have а dog.
3. Louisa's best friend had а parrot.
4. The twins' cousin's idea of the best pet was an iguana.
5. Louisa was interested in dinosaurs some time earlier.
6. Cats were most popular pets with the girls at the twins' school.
7. The debate was long and hard.
8. It took the children three hours to come to the agreement.

b). Read the text again and choose the right options.

1. At the time of the debate Louisa was _______.
a). 10;
b). 11;
c). 12;
d). 13.

2. Duncan was told to get а _______ as а pet bу his best friend.

а). dog;

b). parrot;
с). iguana;
d). cat.

3. Louisa suggested а compromise because _______ .

а). she knew that Duncan liked dogs just as much as he liked iguanas; 
b). neither she nor Duncan could convince the other one to get the other's animal; 

с). their parents made it clear that they could buy any kind of pet they both wanted; 
d). dogs and cats are both similar in that they сап both Ье played with and held.

4. The word debate in the story most nearly describes _______ .
а). thinking; 
b). fighting;
с). аn agreement; 
d). а discussion.

5. They both agreed оп а dog because _______ .

а). they were tired of arguing;
b). it was both siblings' second priority;

с). their parents told them to hurry up with the decision;
d). they liked their friend's dog.