[Сайт учителя английского языка Симоновой Н.Е. ]

Контрольные задания. 3 четверть.

УМК "Spotlight 10" - Английский в фокусе 
(Оби Б., Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Дули Д., Эванс В.)

Exercise 1. Complete the following sentences using can/ could, must, may/ might. Change the form of the Infinitive if necessary. Pay attention to the tense forms.

1. You know all the sights here. You …(to be)… in this city before.
2. Do you know where he is from? He …(to be)… from Italy, but I am not sure.
3. She has just phoned me from her office. She …(to be) …still at work.
4. I am not sure but they …(to leave)…the day before yesterday.
5. What shall we do tonight? We …(to go)… to the disco.

Exercise 2. Use the correct form (to- Infinitive or V-ing) of the verbs in brackets.

1. He enjoys (to spend hours) (to play computer games).
2. Would you mind (to open) the window?
3. We look forward (to take part) in the project.
4. They admitted (to copy) the report from the Internet.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps in the sentences using Conditional II or Conditional III.

1. You had made many mistakes in the test. If you (to know) the material well enough, you (to do) the test better.
2. She (to go) to the theatre with us yesterday if you (to tell) her.
3. If people (to think) about the environment more, we (to have) so many problems now.

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps building new words from the words in brackets.

1. The Internet has (certain) made our life more interesting.
2. It’s difficult for me to make a (speak) in front of people.
3. Her English is perfect. She hopes to become a (translate).
4. To keep fit you should take up (jog).
5. You are slender! Have you lost (weigh)?
6. This medicine helps cure a disease easier and less (pain) for patients.
7. Wall Street in Manhattan is the most important (bank) centre in the world.
8. Cinema used to be more (crowd) than they are now.
9. Human (create) will help to lessen human impact on the Earth.
10. It’s (believe)! You’ve broken your glasses again!


   Контрольные задания. 3 четверть.