[Сайт учителя английского языка Симоновой Н.Е. ]

Контрольные задания. 2 четверть.
УМК "Spotlight 8" - Английский в фокусе
(Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дж. и др.)

Exercise 1. Circle the odd word out.

cotton / wool / silk / elegant
trousers / blouse / /floral / socks
tsunami / collapse / cyclone / flood
ears / eyelashes / lips / bushy
velvet / nylon / linen / muscular
baggy /sporty /scruffy/editor

Exercise 2. Underline the correct item.

1. My grandpa has very bushy eyebrows / lips.
2. His eyebrows are too thin/ short.
3. She hides her slim / protruding ears behind her hair.
4. Does my hat match / go my coat?
5. Can I rent / borrow your black dress for tonight's party?
6. Look at Sarah. She has grown / developed taller since the last time I saw her.

3. Complete the sentences using the adjectives below and too/enough as in the example: I'm not old enough to drive a car. He's too busy to help us.

pretty, skinny, classy, shy, troubled

1. Lisa should put on a little weight; she's ________ .
2. Chris thinks that jeans aren't ________ to wear to a wedding.
3. There are many teens who are ________ about their body.
4. Olga believes that she isn't ________ to be a fashion model.
5. Don't expect Angela to come and talk to you first. She's ________ around new people.

4. Rewrite this sentences in passive.

1. Mike wrote two letters yesterday.
2. The government supports endangered species.
3. The builders are reconstructing the house.
4. Have John finished his project?
5. My mother will bring us some sweets.

5. Fill in: slim, frizzy, suits, bushy, try, overweight.

1. Tom is ________ . He must go on a diet.
2. Tony made a nasty remark about Betty’s ________ eyebrows.
3. I don’t think that red hair ________ her.
4. She’s got a very ________ figure.
5. Would you like to ________ on that dress?
6. I am not happy with my ________ hair! I wish it was straight.


   Контрольные задания. 2 четверть.