[Сайт учителя английского языка Симоновой Н.Е. ]

Контрольные задания. 1 четверть.

УМК "Spotlight 10" - Английский в фокусе 
(Оби Б., Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Дули Д., Эванс В.)

Exercise 1. Fill in the missing letters and translate the words.

1. dr_ _ _ c_de _______________________________________________________
2. l_r_cs ____________________________________________________________
3. sc_ol_ _ _ hip _____________________________________________________
4. home_ _ _k _______________________________________________________
5. mat_ _ e __________________________________________________________
6. in f_ _ o_ _ of _____________________________________________________
7. comp_ _ _o_ _ _____________________________________________________
8. s_ pp_ _ _ s _______________________________________________________
9. go a_ _ _ _ ________________________________________________________
10. ev_ _ _ __________________________________________________________

Exercise 2. Read the definitions and write down the words or word combinations.

1. Simple in design with no decoration. __________________
2. The name that a company chooses for its product. _____________________
3. Extremely fashionable. ____________________
4. Public appreciation for a person or group’s achievements. __________________

Exercise 3. A) Match the words to make meaningful phrases. Write down the translation. B) Fill in the gaps with any appropriate words from the table above.

1. I promise to call you ___________________________________________.
2. Planning your day is the best way to __________________________________.
3. __________________________________________, tennis players have to wear only white clothes and shoes.
4. The authorities decided to _____________________________________ for their bravery.

Exercise 4. Write the verbs in the correct form and write down the translation.

1. I wish I ______________ a border. I’m homesick during my studies. (NOT/BE)
2. I wish I _______________ a new suit for tomorrow’s conference. (HAVE)

Exercise 5. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence. One word is extra.

A/ scholarship/ hard/ in/ working/ to/ win/ I’m.

Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the words in CAPITAL LETTERS at the end of each line.

1. I think it’s _________________________ expensive if you spend 50 per cent of your salary on a place to live. (UNREASONABLE)
2. It’s __________________ of teenagers to listen to music on the way to school. (TYPE)
3. The most ___________________ activities in my life revolve around music. (MEANING)

Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with necessary words.

homesick, border, compulsory, private, semesters, scholarship

1. You have to pay for your education at a ________ school.
2. At universities bright students get a ________ .
3. Being away from home I am always ________ .
4. ________ subjects must be studied by all students.
5. A school year in high school in Russia is divided into two ________ .
6. A ________ studies and lives at school.


   Контрольные задания. 1 четверть.