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Тренировочное задание № 1.

It is hard to deny the importance of having a good rest. I have decided to do a project on how teenagers in Zetland relax after a busy day and found the results of opinion polls which you can find in the table. 

As we can see from the table, 38% of respondents prefer doing a hobby after a busy day, while eating tasty food is the least popular way of relaxing with only 6 % of teenagers doing it. Also, adolescents spend time with their friends, sleep and walk in the open air to have a rest after a tiring day.

Looking at the figures in the table, we can see that spending time with friends (noted by 31% of respondents) is almost twice as popular as sleeping, which stands at 15%, and almost three times more popular than walking in the open air (noted by 10 % of respondents). It is not surprising as teenagers need communication to develop their personality.

Although we see that there are several ways to relax for teenagers, there is a problem connected with having a rest. Sometimes it is difficult to switch off from studies and work and instead of relaxing you spend time thinking about what else you have to do. I believe that the best solution to this problem would be going out as fresh air and change of scenery can help to forget about things that keep bothering you at home.

I would like to conclude by saying that relaxing is of primary importance for every person as it helps one to have a calmer and clearer mind which aids memory, positive thinking and concentration.

Тренировочное задание № 2.

The use of mobile telephones should be restricted.

There are lots of different ways of communication nowadays, but perhaps the most popular one is a mobile phone. While some people think that a mobile telephone can be harmful, I cannot imagine my life without it.

In my opinion, we should not restrict the use of mobiles as they do more good than harm. To begin with, they are small enough to fit into our pockets so we can easily take them everywhere and always stay in touch. Besides, they allow us to send messages, which is very cheap. What is more, today we can log on to the Internet, pay for things, take photos and send them to our friends.

However, some people are afraid that radiation from mobiles can cause cancer. Another concern is that teenagers are becoming too addicted to their mobiles and spend lots of their time playing games or sending messages.

From my point of view, these concerns are groundless. Firstly, there is still no proof that radiation from mobiles and cancer are interrelated. In addition, modem telephones have the level of radiation far below the safety limit. As for mobile addiction, I believe nobody is crazy about mobiles now because they have become part of our everyday lives.

To sum up, I want to say that every technology has both advantages and drawbacks. I am sure we should not reject mobile phones for the bad effect they might have. On the contrary, we must learn how to make the best use of them.